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Monday, January 14, 2013

Wednesday, January 16 - Jon Wiener

Wednesday night at 8 PM on Bibliocracy, KPFK 90.7 FM:  JON WIENER.  Yes, broadcasting tonight from the Center for the Study of Cool Progressive Historians, my guest is the host of KPFK’s own terrific Wednesday afternoon public affairs and political and cultural analysis hour, “The Four O’Clock Report.”  Professor Jon Wiener is also, of course, a professor of History at UC Irvine, contributor to The Nation and other magazines and newspapers, a celebrated historian-activist famous for his work at annoying the FBI into releasing the records on their harassment of John Lennon, and the author or editor of previous books including Gimme Some Truth, Historians in Trouble and Conspiracy in the Streets.  I could go on, but you might just visit his website:  Jon Wiener has now written another popular history book with, of course, a sense of purpose and sense of humor, this one called, provocatively, How We Forgot the Cold War:  A Historical Journey Across America. Wiener is one of my favorite writers, not to mention a favorite voice on our (!) community radio station.  Thanks for listening to Bibliocracy on the radio, online or as a download free for 90 days from the audio archives.

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