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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wednesday, January 23 - Moving Waters, Racelle Rosett

Wednesday night at 8 PM on Bibliocracy, KPFK 90.7 FM:  RACELLE ROSETTNote to self:  People are, happily, so much more than they seem, so much more than we are often asked to understand them as by too-easy stereotype or one-dimensional sketches drawn by popular culture.  When revealed in the gesture of embracing ritual, the characters who inhabit writer Racelle Rosett’s new fiction collection immediately confront complication, contradiction and the beautiful pain of wisdom.   A rabbi who plays a rabbi on television, an actress who finds a way to leave her husband, an old woman attempting to reconcile with her children.  Each of the characters in eighteen beautiful short stories which make up Moving Waters attends a Reform temple in Hollywood but, more than that, attends to a tradition demanding intellectual and emotional curiosity, bravery and honesty.  You’ll recognize the place, and be happy to meet characters in a book which collects award-winning and new short stories from a television writer (her day job) who won the Moment Magazine –Karma Foundation Prize for Jewish short fiction and the Lilith Fiction Prize.  Friends, this is one jewel of a book.  Listen on the radio, online, or as a download.  Buy a copy.  I promise you won’t be disappointed.  Check out my recent review at OC Bookly
if you need more persuasion.  And Rosett's website:
Thanks for listening, and for supporting people-powered radio in Southern California.

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