Tonight on Bibliocracy, at 8 PM. Hero worship! The lives of remarkable human beings are written together and apart in the latest offering from my guest tonight, the legendary scholar-activist Martin Duberman: two movement figures whose lives define the collective struggles for peace, justice and human rights: Barbara Deming and David McReynolds. In his newest book, A Saving Remnant, Duberman tells the radical life stories of these two brave, difficult, visionary activists, both gay, and also friends and comrades whose choices in life and politics illuminate a half-century of struggle. Himself an esteemed writer and famous gay rights activist, Martin Duberman is author of more than twenty books, and one of the Left’s most prolific men of letters, having won every major award there is. Among Martin Duberman’s most well-known work is a biography of Paul Robeson and his own landmark memoir, Cures: A Gay Man’s Oddyssey. He is Distinguished Professor of History Emeritus at Lehman College and the Graduate Center, CUNY, where he founded the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies. I am proud to say that he is a personal hero of mine, so it’s a real joy to welcome Martin Duberman to Bibliocracy. Thanks for listening. Thanks for supporting KPFK during the recent pledge drive. This show is available for free download for the next 90 days at station audio archives.
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