Tonight on Bibliocracy, we're up to bat for May fundraising at KPFK. Join me and Poets' Cafe co-host Lois P. Jones for pitching and gabbing and some special in-studio guests...all designed to get your support for literary arts programming at your favorite non-corporate independent community radio station. Special gift thank-you premiums from Bibliocracy include a CD of "The Fever," Wallace Shawn's remarkable play full of wit and pathos, exploring responsibility and justice. Also, we'll have limited copies available of editor David Kipen's new Los Angeles in the 1930's: The WPA Guide to the City of Angels, from UC Press. It's a reproduction of the amazing guide produced by the Works Project Administration, revealing the beautiful if often forgotten literary history of L.A with an introduction by Kipen, who will himself be a guest tonight. Pledge $75 to KPFK and receive a CD copy of "The Fever." Add $50 and receive both the play and the book for $125. Pledge more and I will personally come to your house and play the CD and then read the book to you! Or go for the Poet's Cafe pack, including a subscription to Poets & Writers magazine, a P & W tote bag, or a copy of J. Michael Walker's landmark All the Saints of the City of Angels, from Heyday Books and a must-own for any literary Angeleno. Damn, we're good! Tune in tonight and call (818) 985-5735 between 8 - 9 PM to support Bibliocracy and Poets' Cafe. Tell the volunteer phone answerer that Andrew and Lois sent you! Thanks!
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