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Friday, May 1, 2009

Monday, May 4 - Trinie Dalton

Trinie Dalton is a short story writer and editor, a compiler of chance and whimsy in both her fiction and in the putting-together of accident and fantasy and myth and pop culture. She edited the collage collection Dear New Girl or Whatever Your Name Is, inspired by confiscated classroom notes and, recently, in her new book Mythtym, worked as a sort of curator, assembling both arrangements of text and image from small self-published magazines called zines. In her own work, including in the short fiction collection Wide Eyed, she arranges popular myth and daily life from the perspective of a sometimes loopy-seeming narrative vision, in a voice funny and witty and observant, in elegant prose that delights at the level of language and seems to redefine the terms of observation, carefully recalibrating our worldview to include unicorns and dolls and salamanders, imaginary creatures who, as the narrator, are at home in the wild or at a corner liquor store. Trinie Dalton teaches at New York University. She is my guest Monday at noon on Bibliocracy. KPFK 90.7 FM in Los Angeles, 98.7 FM in Santa Barbara or online and whenever you most desire it, at the archives:

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