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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Wednesday, September 4 - Uncle Ruthie

Tonight on Bibliocracy, 8 pm on KPFK 90.7 FM:  UNCLE RUTHIE BUELL!  There are just now all kinds of reasons, occasions – as if we needed them – to celebrate my guest but the latest is publication of her poetry collection, titled, perfectly, Come to My Voice.  Perhaps that will also be the title of her memoir, when she sits down to write it, a life- story encompassing so very much, and so much exemplary.  Singer-songwriter, poet, musician, teacher, activist she is Uncle Ruthie Buell.  You know her voice and, if you are like me, you sing along when she sings to her listeners on KPFK on Saturday mornings on “Halfway Down the Stairs,” and you sit quietly when she reads to you, poems and stories and folk tales and more, sometimes written by Ruth herself, but often classic or rediscovered work she shares as part of one of the most important and enduring half hours of arts and culture programming on this station, or anywhere.  She’s brought her CDs, guitar and new collection of poetry, and we are together, Ruthie Buell and I, presenting the first of a special two-part show because I have so many questions to ask, she has songs to sing, poetry to share, and stories to tell, and it’s my pleasure to be in Studio C today with one of my favorite people, the one and only Uncle Ruthie.  Don't be shy about reading my celebratory review at  Next week, Part II of Uncle Ruthie.  Thanks for listening, on the radio or online, and anytime you like free from the KPFK audio archives.  Peace.

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