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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday, December 19 - 100 Greatest Part II

Tonight on Bibliocracy, 8 PM on KPFK:  PETER DREIR.  It’s the second of a special two-part show dedicated to a book titled The 100 Greatest Americans of the 20th Century:  A Social Justice Hall of Fame.  Before th KPFK Fund Drive I talked with its author, Professor Peter Dreier about some great activists I cherry-picked for a variety of reasons, some toward reminding myself and readers, or toward correcting the details of their autobiographies.  This week I thought we’d talk about those individuals with a connection to Southern California, which I think nicely bookends another recent book called A People’s Guide to Los Angeles.  Peter Dreier is a scholar and teacher you could talk with for hours, so I’ve had to pick my questions carefully to fit.  He is the E.P. Clapp Distinguished Professor of Politics and chair of the Urban and Environmental Policy Department at Occidental College, and writes for the Nation, LA Times, American Prospect.  He dedicated this book to his daughters, but I have to say that so many people including yours truly, like to imagine he’s written it for them.  Thanks, Peter Dreier.  And, yes, this makes a most excellent holiday gift!  Listen on the radio tonight, online or as a free download available at the KPFK archives.  Happy Holidays.  Peace.  War is Over if You Want It!  Guns are Controlled if You Want It!

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