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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday, August 11 - Jack Bowen, Encore!

My guest Wednesday at 2:30 on KPFK is Jack Bowen. This show was one of the Bib audience's favorites, so I am pleased to offer it for summer weeks of encore shows. Bowen is the author of a book you'll want to keep in the glove compartment, and otherwise close, as it is a practical philosophical primer taking on as its vehicle (sorry for pun) for considering our culture, politics and worldviews...the bumper sticker. In If You Can Read This: The Philosophy of Bumper Stickers, Bowen, a philosopher, does a take-apart of why and how we choose to see the world, from Plato to "My Child Beat Up Your Honor Student," the two being, he argues, connected. About this book Christopher Hitchens writes, “In the sense of being pregnant with meaning, this book has a baby on board.” Jack Bowen teaches philosophy at Menlo School in Atherton, California, and runs the Stanford Summer Philosophy Camp. He will be featured along with Richard Dawkins and Leonard Susskind in an upcoming documentary, "The Nature of Existence." His first book, a philosophical novel titled The Dream Weaver, was a San Francisco Chronicle bestseller. We sure have some fun here at Bibliocracy Radio, don't we? Engaging topic, smart guest, charming host...all on So Cal's only community-sponsored anti-corporate free radio station. Listen live, online or download later.

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